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How to Avoid Getting Arrested This St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! While this holiday is a fun celebration of Irish-American culture, this day often results in unfortunate consequences for some of those individuals who had just a few too many green beers… St. Paddy’s Day may fall on a Tuesday this year, but you can expect law enforcement officers to be out in full force throughout the night. And while I would love for you to come visit my new office, there are a few things you can do to avoid waking up in the drunk tank and then using your one phone call to contact me tomorrow morning:

APPOINT A DESIGNATED DRIVER. Choose someone in your group to remain sober and drive everyone home at the end of the night. Remember… Designated Driver does NOT mean “Most Sober” Driver!! Make sure your designated driver remains sober throughout the entire night.

USE A TAXI OR A RIDE-SHARING APP. This is 2015. You have a cell phone. Use those apps! Today, there are plenty of options to have a driver pick all your friends up and take you all safely home. Be sure to download CURB, LYFT, and/or UBER before you go out tonight. If you happen to drop your phone in that last Irish Car Bomb of the night… Just ask the bartender or a security guard to call you a cab.

STAY THE NIGHT. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay at the bar! Ask a friend if you can spend the night after the evening is over. Crashing on someone’s couch is much safer than the risk of crashing your car.

STAY SOBER. Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow morning anyways? Remaining sober is always a choice, and an incredibly effective choice for avoiding a DUI arrest on St. Paddy’s Day!

A DUI is a serious criminal offense and a conviction carries severe legal consequences. It is important to take your case seriously and contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible after a DUI arrest. Contact the Law Offices of Dan Tavares Arriola at (209) 477-0300 for a FREE consultation to discuss your case.

[Image by Rattikankeawpun at]

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